Summer Courses 2020

For students that are eligible to take the following courses offered during this COVID-19, take note of information regards to coming summer classes and schedule.

Second Session:  May 18 – 29, 2020
Course No.  Courses Units Teacher
RELP 482 Pastoral Counseling 3 PTN
EDUC 405 Classroom Testing & Evaluation 3 MMT
EDUC 354 Audio Visual Methods of Instruction 3 AKT
MGMT 331 Human Resource Management 3 LMK
MGMT 325 Financial Analysis & Reporting 3 NAM
MGMT 332 Production & Operation Management 3 SZAH
ACCT 252 Intermediate Accounting 3 AMS
ENGL 321 Creative Writing 2 LCHM
CIS 203 Power Point 2 MKT
ENGL 256 English Composition II 2 IT
Management and Organization 3 MZT
Third Session June 1-12, 2020
Course No.  Courses Units Teacher
RELB 282 Spirit of Prophecy 3 TKW
CIS 302 InDesign 2 MKT
ENGL 456 English Linguistics 3 LCHM
RELB 405 Christian Theology I 3 SMK
EDUC 354 Audio Visual Methods of Instruction 3 TD
MGMT 421 Industrial Psychology 3 AMS
BUAD 200 Business Management 3 KCK
BUAD 402 Company Law 2 SZA

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