The Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary emblem captures the principles that are foundational for the building of a student’s successful life. The major themes are as follows:
The Bible. The Bible is regarded as God’s inspired Word and the basis of true education. It is utilized “for teaching, for reproof, for correcting, and for training in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16). It is a constant guide to our feet and a light to our path (Pa. 119:105).
The Torch. The troch symbolizes our duty to share what we have to others as we are the light of the world to lead others to God who is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).
The Fourteen Crowns of life. The fourteen crowns of life represent seven Divisions and seven States of our Myanmar nation. It means the light of the gospel must be spread to all parts of Myanmar through the effort of our Seminary graduates.
The Band. The band with its inscription “physical, mental, spiritual and social” means all round balanced education. True education means the harmonious development of physical, mental, asocial, and spiritual faculties of individual student.