Food Service
The College maintains a Food Service Department, which prepares and serves two balanced meals a day for dormitory students as well as faculty. Those who have medical problem should make a proper arrangement with Food Service Director to have specially prepared meals.
Meal Card System
A meal card system is used in the cafeteria. A user is charged with the number of meal cards withdrawn from the Business Office. A dormitory student must withdraw meal cards monthly with the minimum amount of Ks. 16,000 and maximum of Ks. 25,000.
Refundable Deposits
Certain deposits are required for security purposes. These deposits are refundable six working days after the time a student withdraws from the College and a financial clearance statement has been completed if there are no outstanding damage or loss claims that need to be settled. The major purpose of these deposits is if the student encounters problem in discipline which causes him/her to make unexpected trip for home or emergency case when impels the student to go home.
Fee Structures | |
Monthly Fees | Kyats |
Boarding: Meal Card | |
Flat | 23000 |
Hostel Rent | 5,000 |
Light & Water | 4,000 |
Tuition (16 units) Ks 2300 per hour/unit) | 36,800 |
Furniture | 1150 |
IT fee | 1150 |
Library | 1700 |
Medical | 1150 |
Recreation (Sport) | 1150 |
Publication & Year Book | 1250 |
Semester Fees | |
Admission | 3,000 |
Computer (per unit) | 12,000 |
Development – New Students | 15,000 |
Examination | 3,500 |
Other Fees | |
Change of Major/minor | 3,000 |
Change of Course (per unit) | 600 |
Re-examination | 3,500 |
Late Registration (per day) | 600 |
Challenge Test | 3,500 |
English/Business Placement Test | 3,000 |
Graduation | 30,000 |
Transcript (re-issue) | 5,000 |
Add or Drop a Class Petition (per course) | 600 |
Comprehensive (per examination) | 7,000 |
Security Deposit Required | Kyats |
Ayarwaddy Mission | 10,000.00 |
Central Myanmar Mission | 20,000.00 |
Southeast Mission | 20,000.00 |
Upper Myanmar Mission | 50,000.00 |
Yangon Attached District | 10,000.00 |
All fees stated in Myanmar Kyat.
All fees are subject to change without prior notice.
All fees are based on 2020-2021 academic year.